Will My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Sedation?

Huffman Family Dentistry

For most people mentioning the word, Dentist brings about feelings of fear and anxiety. In past years sedation has only been used in oral surgery. Now dentists have the option of using sedation to relieve certain patients who experience extreme anxiety. Different doses can be prescribed even for a procedure as small as a tooth cleaning. The different types of sedation range from Minimal meaning the patient is still awake to general meaning the patient is unconscious. While sedation is a great solution for those with a phobia about dentists, the problem lies in whether it will be covered or not by the insurance company.

Depending on the type of procedure your sedation may be covered by insurance. Minimal Sedation or Anxiolysis is where brain functions are impaired but as the patient, you are aware and awake. Moderate Sedation or Analgesia meaning the patient responds to verbal commands. Deep Sedation or Analgesia where the patient is in a deep induced state of consciousness. The last is General Anesthesia which is not considered sedation because in this state the patient experiences loss of consciousness. Minimal, Moderate and Deep Sedation is used for less severe procedures while General is usually reserved for serious dental procedures.

Patients can find it to be a bit tricky when it comes to getting their insurance to cover costs when it comes to sedation. General Anesthesia is 9 times of 10 covered because that amount or level of medication is deemed necessary for the oral procedure being performed. While a patient’s anxiety may be deemed pertinent to the dentist and chooses to use sedation while performing a procedure; the insurance provider may not deem it as a medical necessity. There are several ways for patients to try and get their dental sedation covered without switching insurance carriers.

Dental sedation for anxiety is becoming a popular trend amongst Anchorage dentists and can be costly when patients pay out of pocket. One of the ways patients can get insurance to update their plan and cover sedation is to get their anxiety documented. Patients would need to seek out a licensed physician and get a diagnosis for their anxiety and or severe dental phobia. Once the patient had been diagnosed with a medical condition it will make it necessary to have sedation. While all carriers may not cover 100% of sedation it will cover a good portion and mean less out of pocket from the patient.

For patients that cannot get their phobia diagnosed and do not wish to change their current carrier can apply for a 2nd or supplemental insurance. Also, doctors can arrange a separate bill for the sedation that allows payment over several months. Sedation is important in that it eliminates discomfort, pain and anxiety when it comes to dental treatments and patients should seek all resources to get it covered.

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